Happy Friday! Go forth into the weekend with some news:
An injunction has been granted for the law changing the Greensboro City Council’s structure. The council procedures will remain as is for this election year, although a full trial on the issue will occur before 2017 and other laws still pending in the General Assembly could still change this ruling.
A bill protecting Confederate Monuments statewide has become law.
A state court has upheld the school vouchers law.
Republican presidential candidates are outraging Democratic ones statewide.
Two adjacent neighborhoods in Charlotte, one story of economic inequality.
Wilmington’s bus drivers could go on strike.
Judge Howard Manning, the state supreme court judge most well known for his governance of education law in the state, among other major issues, will retire. He will still monitor the education case in his retirement.
And finally, with this being the weekend, don’t you wish you had this treehouse to retreat to?
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